🛠️ Usage

peepDB provides a user-friendly command-line interface for interacting with your databases. Here are the main commands and their usage:

Saving Database Connection Details

You can securely store your connection details for easier access:

peepdb save <connection_name> --db-type [mysql/postgres/mariadb] --host <host> --user <user> --database <database>

You’ll be prompted securely for the password.

Listing Saved Connections

To view all saved database connections:

peepdb list

Viewing Tables

To view all tables in the database:

peepdb view <connection_name>

To view a specific table:

peepdb view <connection_name> --table <table_name>


Use pagination to handle large datasets:

peepdb view <connection_name> --table <table_name> --page <page_number> --page-size <rows_per_page>

Choosing Output Format

By default, peepDB displays data in a formatted table. You can also get the output in JSON format:

peepdb view <connection_name> --format json

Removing Saved Connections

To remove a specific saved connection:

peepdb remove <connection_name>

To remove all saved connections:

peepdb remove-all

Note: Both of these commands will ask for confirmation before proceeding with the removal.


For more detailed usage information on any command, use the --help option:

peepdb <command> --help


Here are some example commands to help you get started:

  1. Save MySQL connection details:
    peepdb save myapp_db --db-type mysql --host localhost --user root --database myapp
  2. View all tables in the saved MySQL database:
    peepdb view myapp_db
  3. View a specific table with pagination:
    peepdb view myapp_db --table users --page 1 --page-size 50
  4. Get output in JSON format:
    peepdb view myapp_db --format json
  5. Remove a saved connection:
    peepdb remove myapp_db

Remember to use the --help option with any command for more detailed information on its usage and options.